Dili-Universidade da Paz (UNPAZ) selebra nota entendimentu (MoU) ho Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research In Agriculture (SEARCA) iha Los Banos, 403 laguna, e nomós enkontru ho Reitór: Jose V. Camacho, Jr. UPLB University of the Philippines Los Banos, (10/10) horseik.
Objetivu husi kooperasaun ne’ebé hala’o atu hanoin hamutuk no kolabora iha área edukasaun nian liu husi training and joint research and publication offisialmente iha área agricultura nian hanesan;
1. Collaborate In undertaking programs,project and other related activities whenever feasible opportunities present themselves
2. Exchange scientific materials, publication and information
3. Execute separate arrangements in writing for any undertaking to be jontly implemented, wherein sharing of responsibilities shall be specified
Partisipasaun iha kooperasaun ne’e, Reprezenta husi SEARCA : Director, Dr.Glenn B.Gregorio, Mr.Joselito G.Florendo , hanesan Diretor Administrasaun SEARCA, Dr.Maria Cuaresma ho estrutura SEARCA e nomós Mr.Hitu Carvalho de Jesus, Attache (Adidu) Edukasaun Timor-Leste iha Filiphina.
Universidade Da Paz ho ekipa delegasaun kompostu husi, Prezidente Konsellu Administrasaun (FNM) Ir. Jose Menezes, Dr.Xisto Martins, Vice Reitór Asuntu kooperasaun Int/Eks ( Luis Pereira Cardoso ), Gabinete Reitorado ( Francisco Ximenes)