
Strategies for Developing Medical Waste Management Interventions in Various Countries: Systematic Re

Rabu, 03 Agu 2022, 11:51:45 OTL - 461 View

Strategies for Developing Medical Waste Management Interventions in Various Countries: Systematic Review

Levi Anatolia SM Exposto and I Made Ady Wirawan

Udayana University Denpasar Bali Indonesia

levibebrete@yahoo.co.id ; ady.wirawan@unud.ac.id




The problem of medical waste is a national, regional, and international problem. Medical waste management interventions are very important so that the waste generated is managed properly and correctly. This is because medical waste is included in the category of hazardous and toxic waste. Some medical waste is included in the category of hazardous waste and some are included in the infectious category.

Methods: This review was conducted based on sources from Google Scholar, Pubmed, Emerald Insight, Doaj with the types of journals published such as ELSEVIER, IJSDGE, PROCEEDINGS, ICCEM, HINDAWI, JPHE, JSTFT, JET, AJEST, JCH, WMR, BMC Health Services research and two reports from WHO (World Health Organization). Furthermore, screening of titles, abstracts, and the content selection or content according to inclusion and exclusion was carried out, which obtained 14 articles that were analyzed further.

Results: This review found that the strategy for developing medical waste management interventions such as training or health education is very important to increase awareness and develop skills for health workers so that they know and understand the functions and responsibilities in managing medical waste generated from health care facilities. Medical waste management interventions in various countries through steps such as situation analysis (pre- intervention) conducted to assess health waste management (HWM) practices, solutions offered to minimize observed risks, and advocacy made to improve administration in health facilities where some intervention measures were developed. Post-intervention is carried out to identify medical waste management efforts that have been carried out by intervention and identify locations that require attention for follow-up.

Conclusion: Various types of medical waste produced can be dangerous and cause health problems, especially during collection, sorting, storage, storage, transportation, and destruction as well as final disposal. Therefore, every country needs a strategy for developing medical waste management interventions to reduce the risk of accidents for paramedics, staff, and patients as well as the environment.

Keywords: strategy, intervention, medical waste management, medical, systematic review




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