

Selasa, 14 Feb 2023, 15:09:26 OTL - 506 View


Levi Anatolia1, I Made Bakta2

1,2 Sudirman, Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia

E-mail : levibebrete@yahoo.co.id1, madebakta@yahoo.com2




Health service activities in each health facility produce various kinds of waste, one of which is solid waste. This has the consistency of the need for waste management in health care facilities as part of environmental sanitation activities and to protect the community from the dangers of environmental pollution and the risk of disease infection originating from health service facilities. Therefore, the main objective in writing a systematic review is to find out and understand the non-medical waste management system in health care facilities. The method used is the Systematic Review method. From the results of a literature search through publications namely Google, Google Scholar, PubMed, Emerald Insight, using the keyword "non-medical waste management", found 51 journals that match


these keywords with journal types such as the International Journal of GEOMATE, International Journal of Environment and Pollution Research, Journal of Community Health, Journal of solid waste technology and management, Journal of Environment and Waste Management, Int. J. Environment and Waste Management, Int. J. Environ. res. Public Health, Global NEST Journal, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. Furthermore, screening according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria to get 7 articles that match the title. The search results for articles from 2010-2020 and the results obtained from 7 analyzed articles found that currently, poor waste management from health care facilities is still found, starting from the waste generated, managed to the time of disposal. The problem of waste management, especially medical solid waste, is a problem and a challenge for every existing health care facility, both in urban and rural areas. This is because the management of medical waste requires substantial costs and regulations that must be met by waste producers as a condition of existing management efforts. Currently, it is often found that the management of medical waste from health care facilities is still below standard, especially in developing countries. Health care facilities must manage non-medical waste properly from selection, storage, transportation, to disposal. Otherwise, it will have an impact on health workers, waste management officers and patients both from the health and safety aspects, besides that it also has an impact on the environment.

Keywords: Solid Waste, Health Care Facilities.

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