Wayan Runa1, Putu Ika Wahyuni1, Nengah Sinarta1, Jose Manuel Maniquin2, Domingos Santos
Soares2, Van Basten2, Agustinho Soariano2 Francisco de Araujo1
1Magister Rekayasa Infrastruktur dan Lingkungan, Universitas Warmadewa-Indonesia
2Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Da Paz – Timor Leste
Timor Leste yang merupakan negara baru, berusaha mengembangkan pariwisata sebagai strategi
untuk pembangunan ekonomi masyarakat. Dengan mengembangkan pariwisata diharapkan mampu mendorong investasi dalam infrastruktur, menghasilkan pendapatan bagi negara dan keterlibatan pekerjaan langsung dan tidak langsung di sekitar kawasan . Salah satu objek wisata yang ingin dikembangkan adalah kawasan Patung Cristo Rei yang berada di bukit Fatukama, Kota Dili. Pada tahun 2000 Pemerintah Republica Democratica de Timor-Leste telah merencanakan untuk merehabilitasi atau mengembangkan Patung Cristo Rei sebagai icon Kota Dili. Saat ini telah dibangun infrastruktur penunjang kawasan seperti area parkir, toilet, tempat sampah serta rest area. Kondisi infrastruktur yang terbangun saat ini mengalami kerusakan dan kurang pemeliharaan. Melalui PKM ini diharapkan mampu mengidentifikasi kondisi infrastruktur yang ada di area Patung Cristo Rei dan mampu meningkatkan peran stakeholder dalam upaya pemeliharaan dan pengembangan infrastruktur.
Kata Kunci: infrastruktur, kawasan wisata, Cristo-rei
Timor Leste, which is a new country, is trying to develop tourism as a strategy for community economic development. By developing tourism it is hoped that it will encourage investment in infrastructure, generate income for the country and direct and indirect employment involvement around the region. One of the tourist attractions that want to be developed is the Cristo Rei Statue area which is located on Fatukama hill, Dili City In 2000 the Government of the Republica Democratica de Timor-Leste had planned to rehabilitate or develop the
Cristo Rei Statue as an icon of the City of Dili. Currently, supporting infrastructure for the area has been built, such as parking areas, toilets, trash cans and rest areas. The condition of the infrastructure that is being built is currently damaged and lacks maintenance. Through this PKM, it is hoped that it will be able to identify the condition of the existing infrastructure in the area of the Cristo Rei Statue and be able to increase the role of stakeholders in efforts to maintain and develop infrastructure.
Keywords: infrastructure, tourism area, Cristo-rei.