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Maria Jose Rodrigues Ximenes, Amd.TW Lic.SP Leonar do Ximenes, Lic.SP, M.SP (Cand),

Faculdade Saúde Pública ,Universidade da Paz, Timor-Leste

Rua.Usindo I, Manleuana, Dili- Timor-Leste

Tlf: +67076516541/+67077073143

Email: roxismariajose@gmail.com/leonardoximenes24@yahoo.com










































Liafuan Xave

Stroke hanesan problema Saude Publica ne’ebe esensial liu iha tempu modernu agora dadaun. atualmente stroke hanesan problema boot no seriu liu iha mundo tomak. Atakasaun ne’ebe derepente bele kauza ba mate, aleizado fiziku, no mental tanto ba idade produtivu no mos idade avansadu. Objetivu husi peskija ida nee maka atu hatene konaba fator risku ne’ebe influencia moras stroke a’as iha Centro Nasional de Rehabilitasaun, (CNR) Suco Becora, Postu Administrativo Cristo Rei, Municipio Dili tinan 2020.

Stroke ou moras serebrovaskuler hanesan moras ida ne’ebe hamosu mate iha area tecido, no kauza ba abnormalidade patologika iha kakutak. No kontinua durante oras 24 ou bele liu, no bele kauza ba anormalidade funsgsaun husi kakutak tamba menus suplay oksigeniu (Wijaya no Mariza 2013). Fator ne’ebe bele kontrola hanesan hipertensaun, diabetes melitus, moras cardiovascular, obesidade, fuma, konsumo alkohol, la halo exercicio fiziku, stres, konsumo aimoruk, no kontrasepsaun bazeia ba hormonios (brass 1992). variavel independente (x) maka fator risku no variavel dependente maka moras stroke (Y).

Peskiza ida ne’e utiliza metodu analiza kuantitativu ho aproximasaun cross sectional, no populasaun maka 33 pessoas husi pasiente sira iha CNR Dili, amostra 33 Respondente, tekniku ne’ebe utiliza hodi analiza dadus maka univariada no Bivariada (Analisis Chi-Square).

Bazeia rezultado pekiza hatudu katak sira ne’ebe iha fator risku maibe la kona moras stroke hamutuk nain 6 ho pursentu 86 %, no sira ne’ebe la iha fator risku maibe kona moras stroke hamutuk nain 1 ho pursentu 14 %, ba respondente sira ne’ebe iha fator risku no la kona moras stroke hamutuk nain 2 ho pursentu 8 % no respondente sira ne’ebe iha fator risku no kona moras stroke iha nain 25 ho pursentu 92 %. alende ida ne’e tuir rezultado teste hipoteze husi nivel signifikansia (α) 0.05 hatudu katak valor sura kiik liu kompara ho valor signifikansia ka P Value 0.00<0.05 rezultado ida ne’e hatudu simu hipoteze alternativu ka Ha, no rezeita hipoteze Nulo ka H0 iha nivel signifikansia 0.05.

Konkluzaun ho rezultado ida ne’e hatudu katak iha influensia entre fator risku ba moras stroke signifika katak fator risku ne’ebe kauza ba akontesementu moras stroke aas, maka fator kontrolado hanesan Hipertensaun, Diabetes Melitus, Moras Cardiovascular, Obesidade, Fuma, Konsumo Alkohol, La halo exercicio fiziku, stres, konsumo aimoruk nsst. Peskiza ida ne’e hanesan referensia ida ba Governo Timor-Leste, liu husi ministerio da Saude hodi buka strategia ba kombate Doencas nao kontaziosas Non Communicable Deasses Control (NCDC) iha Timor-Leste liu-liu moras stroke, nomos ba Centro Nasional de Rehabilitasaun neebe atende ema ho defisiensia liu-liu moras stroke bele buka strategia hodi fo tratamentu diak liu tan ba pasiente ho moras stroke.



Fatór Risku, Moras Skroke.



























































Key words





Stroke is an enormous public health issue especially facing by today world. Stroke is one of immense diseases in today society. A stroke occurs when a clot or bursts either block a blood vessel that carries oxygen and nutrients to the brain. As a result when a sudden stroke attack will cause death, disability and mental issue to people from young to older age. The objective of this research is to explore risk factor influence on high number of strokes detected at the Centro Nacional de Reabilitação (CNR) in 2020 situated in Suco Becora, Postu Administrativo Cristo Rei, Municipio Dili.

The factor causes/ control of stroke are such as Hypertension, Mellitus diabetes, cardiovascular disease, obesity, excessive of smoking cigarettes, excessive of alcohol consumption, lack of exercise, stress and hormonal contraception (Brass 1992). Stroke or Cerebrovascular Accident (CVA) disease that caused by a lack of blood supply/ disruption of blood flow to the brain, very much like a heart attack is caused by a lack of blood supply to the heart (Wijaya no Mariza 2013). Independent variable (X) is risk factor and independent variable is stroke disease (Y).

This research applies quantitative analytical method and approximation of crossectional, and population is 33 patients from Centro Nacional de Reabilitação, the technic that apply to conduct the data analysis is Analysis Chi-Square.

Based on the research result indicated that the patients that are in risk factor but there are 6 patients with 86 % do not get effect from stroke disease and they are not in the risk factor however there is 1 patient with 14 %, those patients that are in risk factor and do not get effect from stroke disease there are 2 patients with 8 % and those patients that are in risk factor and get effect from the stroke disease totaled 25 patients with 92 %. Besides this test hypothesis result from significant level (a) 0.05 indicate that value of count is lowest compare to value significant or P Value 0.00<0.05. This result indicate that accepting hypothesis alternative or Ha, and rejecting hypothesis Nulo ou H0 in the significant level of 0.05. In this conclusion and result shows that the influence of risk factor for stroke disease significant is the risk factor that cause when stroke occur increasingly that is control factor. This resears serves as a referencefor the East Timor government,especially the Ministry of health,to seek strategies to eradicate no communicable diseases in Timor Lest, especially Stroke. Likewise for CNR which serves people with disabilities,especially stroke patients,to find strategies to serve stroke well.


Risk factor, Stroke Disease



Stroke hanesan problema Saúde Pública ne’ebe esensial liu iha tempu modernu agora dadaun. Atualmente stroke hanesan problema boot no seriu liu iha mundo tomak. Atakasaun ne’ebe derepnte bele kauza ba mate, aleizado fiziku, no mental tanto ba idade produtivo no mos idade avansadu. Tuir Organizasaun Mundial ba Saúde ka (OMS) relata katak iha tinan 2012 mortalidade ne’ebe kauza husi stroke iha 51% iha mundo tomak ne’ebe kauza husi pressao Alta. Alende ida nee tuir estimativa 16% kauza ba stroke maka nivel glukosa ne’ebe aas patologikamente iha fungsaun atu hasae konsentrsaun Glicoproteina ne’ebe kauza ba moras kardiovaskular. Nivel Glucosa ne’ebe aas iha probabilidade atu habelar iha area infarto tamba iha formação acido latico ne’ebe kauza metabolismo glukosa anaerobiku hodi estraga tecido serebral.

Fenomena moras stroke kauza husi variedade fatores risku hanesan Fatores ne’ebe bele kontrolado no fatores ne’ebe la kontrolado, fatores ne’ebe bele kontrolado maka hanesan Hipertensaun, Diabetes Melitus, Moras Cardiovaskular, obesidade, fuma, konsumo Alkohol, la halo exercicio fiziku, stres, no konsumo aimoruk, (Lingga 2013). Risko konaba moras stroke komesa aumenta iha idade tinan 45, wainhira atinji idade tinan 50 iha kada aumento idade durante tinan 3 risku stroke atinji 11-20%. Ema ne’ebe idade liu husi tinan 65 iha risku aas liu, maske kuaze 25% husi stroke ne’ebe akontese molok idade refere no kuaze 4% akontese iha idade  tinan 15 no 40. (Feigin, 2004).

Tuir Peskija balun hateten katak mane sira iha risko kona moras stroke kompara ho feto, peskija refere fo mos konkluzaun katak feto barak maka mate ho stroke kompara ho mane sira. Risko stroke mane 1.25 aas liu kompara ho feto, atakasaun stroke ba mane akontese sedu liu husi idade, no feto iha potensialidade akontese stroke iha idade avansado no iha probabilidade mate tamba moras nee aas liu (Abdul G.2009).

Dadus husi South East Asia Medical Information Centre (SEAMIC) Hateten katak numeru mortalidade ba moras stroke boot liu akontese iha Indonesia, tuir Filipina, Singapura, Brune Darusalam, Malaysia, no Thailandia. (Dinata et Al 2013).

Tuir data Nasional ne’ebe relata husi Ministerio da Saúde (integrated deseases surveilance 2015-2019) dadus ba moras stroke aumenta iha tinan 2015 kazu ,435 tinan 2016 kazu ne’ebe regista hamutuk 283 iha tinan 2017 kazu hamutuk 325, tinan 2018 hamutuk 452, tinan 2019 kazu ne’ebe regista hamutuk 465.

Alende ida ne’e tuir dadus ne’ebe relata husi Centro Nasional de Rehabilitasaun, (CNR)  pasiente ne’ebe hala’o tratamentu ba moras stroke iha CNR iha tinan 2017-2019 kazu ne’ebe regista hamutuk 335, husi dadus ne’e total feto hamutuk 120, no mane hamutuk 215.

Dadus iha leten hatudu moras stroke bele ataka kualker idade, maibe geralmente ba ema ho idade avansadu, waihira tama ona ba idade tinan 55, nia risko bo’ot liu dala rua kompara ho kada idade tinan 50 (Wiratmoko 2008). America Heart Association (AHA) salienta katak atakasaun moras stroke barak liu akontese ba mane sira kompara ho feto, iha evidensia ba peskiza ne’ebe hatudu katak prevalensia akontesementu moras stroke barak liu ba mane sira. (Goldstein dkk.2006).

Kauza ba taxa morbidade no mortalidade a’as ba moras la hadae’et iha Timor-Leste, mai husi estilo de vida ne’ebe la saudavel, menus exercicio fiziku, fuma tabaco, konsumo alkohol, stres, konsumo aimoruk droga, no kauza mos husi moras sira seluk hanesan diabetes mellitus, moras cardiovascular nsst.

Relasiona ho fénomena hirak ne’ebe descreve ona iha leten maka hakerek nain atrai tebes hodi hala’o peskija ho titulo: Analiza fatores risku ne’ebe influencia moras stroke a’as iha Centro Nasional de Rehabilitasaun, (CNR) Suco Becora, Postu Administrativo Cristo Rei, Municipio Dili tinan 2020.


Metodo Peskija

Metodu ne’ebe utiliza ba peskiza maka Kuantitativu,liu husi Aprosimasaun Cross sectional Utiliza metodu peskiza ida ne’e hodi bele hatene fatores ne’ebe influencia moras stroke a’as iha Centro Nasional de Rehabilitasaun, (CNR) Suco Becora, Postu Administrativo Cristo Rei, Municipio Dili tinan 2020.


Rezultado no Diskusaun

Bazeia ba rezultado analiza dadus hatudu katak iha influensia entre fator risku ba moras stroke ho valor signifikasaun P Value 0,00<0.05 hatudu katak fator risku ne’ebe kauza ba akontesementu moras stroke a’as, maka fator kontrolado hanesan Hipertensaun, Diabetes Melitus, Moras Cardiovascular, Obesidade, Fuma, Konsumo Alkohol, La halo exercicio fiziku, stres, konsumo aimoruk nsst.

Bazeia ba rezultado analiza hatudu katak respondente sira ne’ebe la iha fator risku no la kona moras stroke hamutuk nain 6 ho pursentu (86%), no sira ne’ebe la iha fator risku maibe kona moras stroke hamutuk nain 1 ho pursentu (14%), ba Respondente sira ne’ebe iha fator risku no la kona moras stroke hamutuk nain 2 ho pursentu (8%) no respondente sira ne’ebe iha fator risku no kona moras stroke iha nain 25 ho pursentu (92%). Alende ida ne’e tuir rezultado Teste Hipoteze husi nivel signifikansia (α) 0.05 hatudu katak valor sura kiik liu kompara ho valor signifikansia ka P Value 0.00<0.05 ho rezultado ida ne’e hatudu kata Simu Hipoteze Alternativo ka Ha, no rezeita Hipoteze Nulo ka H0 iha nivel signifikansian 0.05 ho nune’e hatudu katak Iha influencia ne’ebe signifikante entre fatores risku ba moras stroke a’as 39 iha Centro Nasional de Rehabilitasaun, (CNR) Suco Becora, Postu Administrativo Cristo Rei, Municipio Dili tinan 2020.

Fator ne’ebe bele kontrola hanesan Hipertensaun, Diabetes Melitus, Moras Cardiovascular, Obesidade, Fuma, Konsumo Alkohol, La halo exercicio fiziku, stres, konsumo aimoruk hanesan fator ne’ebe kontribui ba akontesementu moras stroke, tuir peskiza balu husi Ilham Ramadhani (2002) hatudu katak pasiente ho kondisaun moras hipertensaun iha risku dala 4,117 ba akontesimentu moras stroke, kompara ho pasiente ne’e la iha moras hipertensaun. Tuir Sukmawati (2012) no Ghifari (2015) hato mos katak kuaze (75%) pasiente ne’ebe sofre moras stroke akompanha mos ho moras hipertensaun. Tuir (Brass 1992), hateten katak akontesimentu moras hipertesaun fo inpaktu 50-70% kauza ba moras stroke, defende ba tipo stroke, efeitu tempu naruk husi atinjimentu presao ran, maka a’at iha parte arteria (artheroskelorosis) ne’ebe maka bele kauza empressamentu (Penyempitan) arteria no harahun embarcasoens ran (Pembuluh darah) nian.

Tuir (Abdul G.2009) hateten katak mane sira iha risko kona moras struk kompara ho feto, peskija refere fo mos konkluzaun katak feto barak maka mate ho stroke kompara ho mane sira. Risko stroke mane 1.25 aas liu kompara ho feto, atakasaun stroke ba mane akontese sedu liu husi idade, no feto iha potensialidade akontese stroke iha idade avansado no iha probabilidade mate tamba moras nee aas liu bazeia ba peskiza ida ne’e hatudu katak feto iha nain 14 ho pursentu (42%), mane hamutuk 19 ho pursentu (58%) dadus refere hatudu katak respondente Mane barak liu kompara ho feto sira ho total 19 pessoas ho pursentu (58%). alende ida ne’e mos hare husi estilo de vida ne’ebe la saudavel, menus exercicio fiziku, fuma tabaco, konsumo alkohol, stres, konsumo aimoruk droga, no kauza mos husi moras sira seluk hanesan diabetes mellitus, moras cardiovascular. Kontribui makas ba akontesimentu moras stroke. Nivel edukasaun mos kontribui ba akontesimentu moras stroke bazeia ba peskiza ida ne’e hatudu katak nivel edukasaun ensino Secundaria iha nain 13 ho pursentu (39%),Llisensiatura iha nain 4 ho pursentu (12%) Baisarelatu iha nain 2 ho pursentu (6%), Mestrado iha nain 2 ho pursentu (6%), hare ba dadus refere hatudu katak respondente sira iha Centru Nasional de Reabilitasaun barak liu iha nivel edukasaun Secundaria ho total 13 ho  numeru persentagen (39%) nivel edukasaun ne’ebe aas mos influensia ba estilo de vida ne’ebe la saudavel no ikus moi kontribui mos ba moras stroke.




Konkluzaun ho rezultado ida ne’e hatudu katak iha influensia entre fator risku ba moras stroke signifika katak fator risku ne’ebe kauza ba akontesementu moras stroke aas, maka fator kontrolado hanesan Hipertensaun, Diabetes Melitus, Moras Cardiovascular, Obesidade, Fuma, Konsumo Alkohol, La halo exercicio fiziku, stres, konsumo aimoruk nsst. Peskiza ida ne’e hanesan referensia ida ba Governo Timor-Leste, liu husi ministerio da Saude hodi buka strategia ba kombate Doencas nao kontaziosas Non Communicable Deasses Control (NCDC) iha Timor-Leste liu-liu moras stroke, nomos ba Centro Nasional de Rehabilitasaun neebe atende ema ho defisiensia liu-liu moras stroke bele buka strategia hodi fo tratamentu diak liu tan ba pasiente ho moras stroke.




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